Tuesday 29 May 2007

Fixed Deposit vs ROC from active Stock Investing

For many years, I have been risk averse by putting money into Fixed Deposit, and guess what happened? Low return!

Only in 2003 that I realised that I have to take more risks through active stock investing if I want to reach financial independence.

Here is the comparsion between the performance of FD vs ROC through active stock investing

Saturday 19 May 2007

Historical STI High - Low

Knowing the historical STI High-Low will help me to understand the type of risks that I might be facing when STI corrects in due time, and what is the possible time frame that I might be in before I could recover my losses or have a cut losses strategy in place now

The Goal of the End Game - Financial Independence

The goal of the End Game is to accumulate enough wealth for you and your family to stop.
Stop putting your wealth at risk. Stop the gambling and risk taking with investments of any kind.

You would finally have enough money and personal power to walk away from the investing game and spend the rest of your life doing something else!

When exactly do you reach the End Game?

When you have enough principal invested safely for your after tax-income to match or exceed your annual expenses on an ongoing basis. This would include budgeting for the lifestyle you truly want.